Zonta’s 25th Annual ABC 5K on November 4th

Congratulations and Thank you to all of the participants in the Zonta Club of Key West’s 25th Annual ABC 5K Walk/Run. The event was held on Saturday, November 4th at Salute Restaurant on Higgs Beach. This was a very important event given Irma’s impact on our community and Key West Zontian’s and the Key West community sincerely thank everyone involved.


The ABC 5K raises money to cover mammograms, thin-prep pap tests, and other diagnostic and preventive measures for women in the Lower Keys who otherwise cannot afford them. Zonta has been able to provide over 3,000 mammograms to local women over the past 24 years and has never turned any woman in need away.


“This was the 25th anniversary of ABC and this year and we expect even greater need for women’s health funds due to the financial hardships many woman and their families now face due to Hurricane Irma.”, said Mechelle Burgohy, President of the Zonta Club of Key West.


Theme Runs assisted in managing the 5K race with great success. Through their timing efforts, prizes were awarded for the best female and male runners and walkers in multiple categories. Teams of participants who raised funds with their own race sponsors also received awards. Live music was provided by the Parrot Heads adds to the festivities on race day.


After the race, Salute helped continue the festivities. Drink specials were offered during the prize ceremony. Salute also offered dining incentives to continue the celebration throughout the day.

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